Sweet Corn

7015 F1

7015 F1

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sweet corn

This hybrid has superb yellow kernels in an enhanced package and good tip fill mature in 75 days. This sweet corn with long husk length grows on a medium/tall plant. The ear length 22-23 cm with 18-20 seeds per row.


Market segment ………… Fresh market,


Type of cultivation ………….. Open field

Maturity in days ……… Medium 75 days


Plant vigour …….. Medium/Tall

Side shoot ……………….. Few

Leaf color ………… Dark green


Husk appearance ……… Very good

Ear length (cm) …………….. 22– 23

Seed color  ………………….. Yellow

Row count …………………. 18 – 20

Ear shape ………………. Cylindrical

7080 F1

7080 F1

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sweet corn

A high yielding and very adaptable yellow sweet corn with medium to late maturity variety. Maturing in 81 days. This variety has an excellent disease package and a tall dark green plant. The ears are long with excellent tip fill. The ear length 22-23 cm with 20-21 seeds per row.


Market segment ………… Fresh market,


Type of cultivation ………….. Open field

Maturity in days ……… Medium 81 days


Plant vigour …….. Medium/Tall

Side shoot ……………….. Few

Leaf color ………… Dark green


Husk appearance ……… Very good

Ear length (cm) …………….. 22– 23

Seed color  ………………….. Yellow

Row count …………………. 20 – 21

Ear shape ………………. Cylindrical

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