Sweet Pepper


Scarlet F1

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sweet pepper

Produces large quantities “XL” peppers. Plants are sturdy, have strong vigour and deal with the tough continental summer climate easily. Fruits are uniform and most dominantly 4 lobed, firm, tasty. Healey is medium early and has a high total production. The added value, next to its fruit quality, is that it maintains its large size in the second half of the cultivation so well. Type: Blocky Red.
Disease resistance: HRTm:0-2.


Market segment ………… Fresh market,


Type of cultivation  ……..  Plastic house


Plant vigor ……………… Strong

Internode length ……… Medium


Fruit shape …………….. Large blocky

Fruit length (cm) ………………. 10-11

Fruit diameter (cm) ………………. 7-9

Wall thickness ………………….. Thick

Fruit color ……………….. Green – red

Lobes / cells …………………………. 4


Raam F1

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sweet pepper

Red blocky pepper for growing in greenhouse. Fruit size: 11 x10 cm, weight: 220-230 grams. Plant type: Relatively medium maturing variety with medium short internodes and large leaves protect the fruit from sunburn. Good production in hot conditions with more grouped production.
Disease resistance: L3, TSWV.


Market segment ………… Fresh market,


Type of cultivation  ……..  Plastic house


Plant vigor …………….. Medium

Internode length ……… Medium


Fruit shape …………….. Large blocky

Fruit length (cm) …………………… 11

Fruit diameter (cm) ……………….. 10

Wall thickness ………………….. Thick

Fruit color ……………….. Green – red

Lobes / cells …………………………. 4


Predator F1

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sweet pepper

Sweet, Red blocky pepper for growing in greenhouses. Fruit size: 11×9 cm, weight: 210-220 grams, very nice four lobes blocky shape and a very good shelf life. Plant type: Relatively medium early maturing variety with medium long internodes. This variety has good leaf coverage and the ability for good fruit setting under extreme climate conditions.
Disease resistance: Tm3 (L4), TSWV.


Market segment ………… Fresh market,


Type of cultivation  ……..  Plastic house


Plant vigor …………….. Medium

Internode length ……… Medium


Fruit shape …………………….. Blocky

Fruit length (cm) …………………… 11

Fruit diameter (cm) …………………. 9

Wall thickness ………………….. Thick

Fruit color ……………….. Green – red

Lobes / cells …………………………. 4


Tesla F1

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sweet pepper

Hybrid F1, Blocky type. It is a quality sweet blocky pepper that matures from green to red and has an excellent yield potential. It has mid-early maturity and is widely adaptable. The fruit are large and blocky. Fruit weight: around 180-220 gr. Color: green turns red at maturation.
Disease resistance: TSWV, L3, TMV. Tobamovirus Po and PVY.


Market segment ………… Fresh market,


Type of cultivation  ……..  Plastic house


Plant vigor ……………… Strong

Internode length ……… Medium


Fruit shape …………………….. Blocky

Fruit length (cm) …………………… 10

Fruit diameter (cm) …………………. 9

Wall thickness ………………….. Thick

Fruit color ……………….. Green – red


Constantin F1

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sweet pepper

Hybrid F1 blocky type. Plant type: Medium, very large leaves protect the fruit from sunburn. Relative maturity: can be harvested 80 days from planting. Fruit weight: 215-225 gr.
Fruit shape: blocky. Disease resistance: L3, TSWV.


Market segment ………… Fresh market,


Type of cultivation  ……..  Plastic house

                                             Open Field


Plant vigor …………….. Medium

Internode length ……… Medium


Fruit shape …………………….. Blocky

Fruit length (cm) …………………… 11

Fruit diameter (cm) …………………. 9

Wall thickness ………………….. Thick

Fruit color ……………….. Green – red

Lobes / cells …………………………. 4


1329 F1

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sweet pepper

Hybrid F1 Blocky type. Plant is early-medium in maturity and can be harvested 80 days from planting. Fruit shape: blocky shaped with thick walls and mostly 3-4 lobes. Fruit size: 11×9 cm, weight: 200-220 gr and has green color that turns red at maturity.
Disease resistance: TMV.


Market segment ………… Fresh market,


Type of cultivation  ……..  Plastic house

                                             Open Field


Plant vigor …………….. Medium

Internode length ……… Medium


Fruit shape …………………….. Blocky

Fruit length (cm) …………………… 11

Fruit diameter (cm) …………………. 9

Wall thickness ………………….. Thick

Fruit color ……………….. Green – red

Lobes / cells …………………………. 4


Camaro F1

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sweet pepper

Hybrid F1 Blocky type. Plant is early-medium in maturity and can be harvested 85 days from planting. Fruit shape: blocky shaped with thick walls and mostly 3-4 lobes. Fruit size: 10×9 cm, weight: 200-220 gr and has green color that turns red at maturity.
Disease resistance: TMV.


Market segment ………… Fresh market,


Type of cultivation  ……..  Plastic house


Plant vigor …………….. Medium

Internode length ……… Medium


Fruit shape …………………….. Blocky

Fruit length (cm) …………………… 10

Fruit diameter (cm) …………………. 9

Wall thickness ………………….. Thick

Fruit color ……………….. Green – red

Lobes / cells ………………………. 3-4


Rion F1

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sweet pepper

Sweet, Blocky with 4 lobes fruits. Fruit with Golden yellow Color. Fruit Size: 10×9 cm, Weight: 190-200 gram, with thick wall and high uniformity. Plant type: plants with very large leaves, which protects the fruit from sunburn with medium relative maturity (can be harvested 80 days from planting).
Disease resistance: L3, TSWV.


Market segment ………… Fresh market,


Type of cultivation  ……..  Plastic house


Plant vigor ……………. Medium

Internode length ……… Medium


Fruit shape ………………….. Blocky

Fruit length (cm) ………………… 10

Fruit diameter (cm) ………………. 9

Wall thickness ………………… Thick

Fruit color ………….. Green – Yellow

Lobes / cells ……………………….. 4

Fantastic F1

Fantastic F1

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sweet pepper

Hybrid F1 blocky type. Plant type: plants with very large leaves, which protects the fruit from sunburn. Relative maturity: medium harvest 80 days from transplanting. Fruit weight: 190 gr. Fruit shape: blocky.Color: yellow.
Disease resistance: L3, TSWV.


Market segment ………… Fresh market,


Type of cultivation  ……..  Plastic house


Plant vigor ……………. Medium

Internode length ……… Medium


Fruit shape ………………….. Blocky

Fruit length (cm) ………………… 10

Fruit diameter (cm) ………………. 9

Wall thickness ………………… Thick

Fruit color ………….. Green – Yellow

Lobes / cells ……………………….. 4


Galina F1

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sweet pepper

Yellow blocky pepper variety with a compact and generative plant that produces a high percentage of extra-large fruits size from11x9 cm with four lobes. This variety has an open plant habit, short internodes and a generative character. It easily sets fruits and has high fruit loads. Weight 200 – 220 gr. Color: Yellow.
Disease resistance HR: Tm: 0-3.


Market segment ………… Fresh market,


Type of cultivation  ……..  Plastic house


Plant vigor ……………. Compact

Internode length ……… Medium


Fruit shape ………………….. Blocky

Fruit length (cm) ………………… 11

Fruit diameter (cm) ………………. 9

Wall thickness ………………… Thick

Fruit color ………….. Green – Yellow

Lobes / cells ……………………….. 4


Tiger F1

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sweet pepper

Hybrid F1 Blocky type. Small plants with very large leaves, which protects the fruit from sunburn, early-medium in maturity, harvest 80 days from transplanting. Can be harvested 50 days from transplanting. Fruit has Bell shape with very thick walls and mostly 3-4 lobs. Its green color turns into a beautiful yellow when matures .Fruit size: 10×9 cm, weight 180-200 gr.
Disease resistance: TMV.


Market segment ………… Fresh market,


Type of cultivation  ……….  Open Field,


Plant vigor ……………. Compact

Internode length ……… Medium


Fruit shape ………………….. Blocky

Fruit length (cm) ………………… 10

Fruit diameter (cm) ………………. 9

Wall thickness ………………… Thick

Fruit color ………….. Green – Yellow

Lobes / cells …………………….. 3-4


Strong F1

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sweet pepper

A blocky bell pepper with a beautiful dark-orange color. The medium early, strong open plant produces firm fruits with very uniform shape with fruit size range from 9 – 11 cm, Growing Method: Plastic house and net house.
Disease resistance: HRTm: 0-3
Disease resistance: IRTSWV: 0.r


Market segment ………… Fresh market,


Type of cultivation  ……..  Plastic house,

                                               Net house


Plant vigor ……………… Strong

Internode length ……… Medium


Fruit shape ………………….. Blocky

Fruit length (cm) ………………… 11

Fruit diameter (cm) ………………. 9

Wall thickness ………………… Thick

Fruit color ………….. Green – orange

Lobes / cells ……………………….. 4


Elfin F1

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sweet pepper

Orange blocky pepper for growing in greenhouses or in net-houses. Strong plant with medium-long internodes, high yield. The easy fruit set under extreme climate conditions is leading to both a big early production and a very productive winter period. Fruit size: 180-220 grams, very uniform with firm and smooth skin and a very beautiful orange color.
Disease resistance: Tm3 (L4), TSWV.


Market segment ………… Fresh market,


Type of cultivation  ……..  Plastic house,

                                               Net house


Plant vigor ……………. Medium

Internode length ……… Medium


Fruit shape ………………….. Blocky

Fruit length (cm) ………………… 11

Fruit diameter (cm) ………………. 9

Wall thickness ………………… Thick

Fruit color ………….. Green – orange

Lobes / cells ……………………….. 4


Magnum F1

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sweet pepper

Hybrid F1 sweet pepper variety Japanese type. Semi-upright plant habit. Very early mature variety. Fruit weight: 35 gr. with fruit size range from 9 – 11cm and 4 – 5cm thin wall. Fruit color: Dark green turn to red when mature.
Disease resistance: ToMV: HR.
Disease resistance: TMV: HR.


Market segment ………… Fresh market,


Type of cultivation  ……..  Plastic house,

                                               Net house,

                                              Open Field


Plant vigor ……………. Medium

Internode length ……… Medium


Fruit shape ……………… Small blocky

Fruit length (cm) …………………. 9-11

Fruit diameter (cm) ……………….. 4-5

Wall thickness ……………………. Thin

Fruit color ………………… Green – red

Lobes / cells ………………………….. 4


Charger F1

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sweet pepper

It is a lamuyo-type pepper. This high-quality variety yielded firm, very smooth red fruit. The fruit size from 16 – 17 cm long with 10 cm width. The 3 to 4 lobed peppers turn red quickly and uniformly. It has the ability to maintain sets throughout the season and provide strong yields. The plant is tall with sufficient fruit cover to protect from sunburn.

Disease resistance: TOMV, BePMV.


Market segment ………… Fresh market

Type of cultivation  ………… Open Field

                                          Plastic house


Plant vigor ……………… Strong

Internode length ……… Medium


Fruit shape ……………….. Bell shape

Fruit length (cm) ………………. 16-17

Fruit diameter (cm) ……………… 9-11

Wall thickness ………………….. Thick

Fruit color ……………….. Green – red

Lobes / cells ………………………. 3-4


Classica F1

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sweet pepper

Hybrid F1 Lamuyo type. Plants are medium in maturity, tall and a little sprawling with large green leaves, vigorous. Can be harvested 55 days from transplanting. Fruit has elongated bell shape with very sweet and juicy fresh. Its green color turns into red when matures. Fruit size is 17 cm in length and 7.5 cm in diameter and it weighs around 230 gr.
Disease resistance: L4, TSWV.


Market segment ………… Fresh market,


Type of cultivation  ……..  Plastic house

                                             Open Field


Plant vigor ……………… Strong

Internode length ……… Medium


Fruit shape ……………….. Bell shape

Fruit length (cm) …………………… 17

Fruit diameter (cm) ………………. 7-8

Wall thickness ………………….. Thick

Fruit color ……………….. Green – red

Lobes / cells ………………………. 3-4


Corona F1

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sweet pepper

Fruit weight 300-400 gr. Fruit shape large oval mostly 4 loops, 16-18 cm long x 9-10 cm diameter. Vigor’s vegetative growth with excellent leaf cover. Dark green fruit color turns into red when matures.
Disease resistance: TMV, TOMV, BePMV.


Market segment ……… Fresh market,


Type of cultivation  ……..   Open Field


Plant vigor ……………… Strong

Internode length ……… Medium


Fruit shape ……………….. Bell shape

Fruit length (cm) ………………. 16-18

Fruit diameter (cm) …………….. 9-10

Wall thickness ………………….. Thick

Fruit color ………………. Green – red

Lobes / cells ………………………… 4


Daytona F1

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sweet pepper

Hybrid F1 Lamuyo type. Plants are late in maturity, medium tall. Can be harvested 60 days from transplanting. Very good fruit setting even in high temperatures. Large leaves protect the fruit from sunburn. Adapted to high tunnel production in winter, as well as outdoor production. Fruit has large elongated shape with green color turns into yellow when matures. Fruit size is 16.5 cm in length and 8 cm in diameter and it weighs 220-240 gr.
Disease resistance: TM.


Market segment ………… Fresh market,


Type of cultivation  ……..  Plastic house,

                                               Net house,

                                              Open Field


Plant vigor ……………. Medium

Internode length ……… Medium


Fruit shape ……………….. Bell shape

Fruit length (cm) …………………… 16

Fruit diameter (cm) …………………. 8

Wall thickness ………………….. Thick

Fruit color ……………. Green – yellow

Lobes / cells ………………………. 3-4


Champion F1

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sweet pepper

Hybrid F1 Lamuyo type. Plants are medium-early in maturity, tall, upright with thick stems and large leaves, very vigorous. Can be harvested 50 days from transplanting. Very dependable fruit-set under both cool and warm weather. Fruit is mostly 3-4 lobes. Fruit has large long bell shape. Its dark green color turns into yellow when matures. Fruit size is 18 cm in length and 7 cm in diameter and it weighs 200-250 gr.
Disease resistance: TSWV, 4L, TMV.


Market segment ………… Fresh market,


Type of cultivation  ……..  Plastic house

                                             Open Field


Plant vigor ……………… Strong

Internode length ……… Medium


Fruit shape ……………….. Bell shape

Fruit length (cm) …………………… 18

Fruit diameter (cm) …………………. 7

Wall thickness ………………….. Thick

Fruit color ……………. Green – yellow

Lobes / cells ………………………. 3-4


Gazal F1

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sweet pepper

Hybrid F1, Sweet pepper Plant is early in maturity, harvest 60 days from transplanting. Fruit weight:80-130 gr. Fruit shape: large elongated.18-23cm long x 4-5cm wide. Color: green to red when ripe. Suitable for net house on summer and greenhouse on winter.
Disease resistance: TM, L2.


Market segment ………… Fresh market,


Type of cultivation  ……..  Plastic house,

                                               Net house,

                                              Open Field


Plant vigor ……………. Medium

Internode length ……… Medium


Fruit shape …….. Moderately triangular

Fruit length (cm) …………………. 18-23

Fruit diameter (cm) ………………… 4-5

Wall thickness ……………………. Thick

Fruit color ………………… Green – red

Lobes / cells ………………………….. 2


Formula F1

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sweet pepper

Hybrid F1, Sweet pepper. Plant, is early in maturity, harvest 60 days from transplanting. Fruit weight: 80-90 gr. Fruit shape: large elongated.20-24 cm long x 3-4 cm wide. Color: light green to red when ripe. Suitable for net house in summer and greenhouse in winter.
Disease resistance: TM, L2.


Market segment ………… Fresh market,


Type of cultivation  ……..  Plastic house,

                                               Net house,

                                              Open Field


Plant vigor ……………. Medium

Internode length ……… Medium


Fruit shape …….. Moderately triangular

Fruit length (cm) …………………. 20-24

Fruit diameter (cm) ………………… 3-4

Wall thickness ……………………. Thick

Fruit color …………… Light green – red

Lobes / cells …………………………… 2

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